Additional articles can be found on Erica’s Substack.
If the Left Doesn’t Channel Populist Resentment, We Know Who Will
The Nation, 8/24/23
Bette Midler’s Contempt Fuels Right-Wing Populism
The Nation, 12/30/21
The 7 Deadly Sins of Politi-speak
Yes! Magazine, 6/28/21
The only thing worse than taking rural voters for granted
The Nation, 4/15/24
Kitchen Table Populism Is Up for Grabs
The Liberal Patriot, 1/14/24
How These Candidates Bucked the Trend and Won Over Rural Voters
Newsweek, 11/30/22
Democrats must do better in rural America
The Nation, 11/17/22
In order to transcend Trumpism, we must tend to suffering, not celebrate it
Waging Nonviolence, 4/26/22
The 7 Deadly Sins of Politi-speak
Yes! Magazine, 6/28/21
Don’t gloat, organize!
Progressively Speaking, 10/29/20
Want #NeverBiden holdouts to join #TeamJoe? Show them some respect.
Progressively Speaking, 7/30/20
With Trump Self-Destructing, Do Swing Voters Matter?
Progressively Speaking, 7/3/20
How Liberals Left the White Working Class Behind
Yes! Magazine, 12/16/19
Could Elizabeth Warren’s Wit Be Her Downfall?
Tikkun, 11/1/19
Why is a black resident in Berkeley 13 times more likely to be unhoused than a white person?
Berkeleyside, 9/26/19
Joe Biden’s Biggest Problem is Enthusiasm Deficit
The Progressive Populist, 9/15/19
Democrats should oppose Trump’s military buildup
Common Dreams, 10/22/17
Berkeley must find effective ways to thwart battles in our city
Berkeleyside, 4/24/17
Put single payer back on the table
San Francisco Examiner, 3/25/17
Senate Democrats should boycott Neil Gorsuch
San Francisco Examiner, 3/21/17
To make our voices heard, we must be indivisible
San Francisco Examiner, 1/31/17
So blue. The heartbroken case for Hillary Clinton
Medium, 9/7/16
Americans should hold merchants of death accountable
Oakland Tribune, 9/10/15
Wake up Sleeping Beauty, it’s time to kiss Prop 13 goodnight
Berkeleyside, 4/21/15
Eric Garner’s last words say it all
Oakland Tribune, 12/15/14
Target: military budget
Baltimore Sun, 11/26/08
It’s a crime to build another prison
Los Angeles Times, 11/25/01
Covid and the Negotiation of Public Space
The Forum, 10/25/22
Mask-Shaming Won’t Work. Try These 5 Things Instead
Yes! Magazine, 7/16/20
Yes, Conversations Can Change Minds
Progressively Speaking, 6/29/20
Civility and Its Discontents
Kosmos Journal, Summer 2020
Polarization and Alienation
Better Angels Media, 3/29/20
How to talk to the coronavirus deniers in your life
Salon, 3/29/20
For a Bernie win, stop dragging Warren supporters through the mud
Op Ed News, 3/7/20
Mistakes were made but not by me
Better Angels Dispatch, 12/19/19
How to deal with fake news
Better Angels Dispatch, 1/30/20
Is it time to put the Baby Trump blimp to bed?
Waging Nonviolence, 12/5/19
Talking Turkey about Impeachment
Alternet, 11/26/19
Could Elizabeth Warren’s Wit Be Her Downfall?
Tikkun, 11/1/19
Across the Divide (spoken word)
KQED Perspectives, 10/16/19
The Dangers of Dehumanization
Better Angels Dispatch, 7/25/19
The one question every American can ask themselves about impeachment
The Fulcrum, 10/15/19
Kavanaugh Retrospective
Better Angels Dispatch, 9/26/19
Insulting Trump voters won’t win them over
Alternet, 10/25/17
How to talk to Trump voters
Alternet, 9/18/16
“Why Local Clean Energy Matters,” Clean Power Exchange, 7/26/16
“From Local Pants to Local Energy,” Truthout, 6/30/16
“Why Are We Letting Corporate Water Barons Steal Our Future?”
Daily Kos, 1/4/16
“State Panel Must Reject Utility Attacks on Clean Energy”
Sacramento Bee, 12/16/15
“Down with PG&E Exit Fees”
Marin Independent Journal, 12/10/15 (ghost-written)
How to drought-proof California’s farms
High Country News, 9/24/15
Stop the Attack on Rooftop Solar
KQED, 9/15/15
Dear Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, It’s Not Me, It’s You
Story of Stuff, 8/31/15
California should invoke public trust doctrine
San Jose Mercury News, 8/6/15
UC should divest from fossil fuels
Berkeleyside, 6/1/15
Local governments should move quickly to create community choice energy programs
San Jose Mercury News, 3/27/15
Can Seven Billion Humans Go Paleo?
Earth Island Journal, 2/2/15
New PUC President should be clean energy visionary
Sacramento Bee, 11/10/14
Is Modern Technology Killing Us?
Truthout, 9/19/14
Power for the People
San Diego Union Tribune, 5/30/14 (ghost-written)
Solar for the 99%
Celsias, 8/27/12
BioChar Offers Bevy of Benefits for People and Planet
Celsias, 8/7/12
Organic Gardening 101
Ladies’ Home Journal (April 2009)
Why Cheap Gas is Bad, Very Bad
Christian Science Monitor, 2/23/09
The Other ‘Big One’
San Francisco Chronicle, 7/20/08
After Oil Supplies Dry Up, What’s Plan B?
San Francisco Chronicle, 8/26/07
Reduce, Reuse, Rejoice
San Francisco Chronicle, 12/16/06
Every Drop of Water
San Francisco Chronicle, 3/29/98
This is your child’s brain on porn
Medium (originally published in now-defunct Parentco 1/24/17)
No more good doggie: How rewards and praise hurt students
Medium, 9/28/16
5 reasons to say “hell no” to Hello Barbie
Medium, 12/9/15
Don’t turn students into praise junkies
BabyCenter, 11/6/15
How the Myth of the Meritocracy Ruins Students
Truthout, 11/2/15
Recess restriction is discriminatory and counterproductive
Berkeleyside, 11/17/14
Soda is the New Tobacco
San Francisco Examiner, 9/30/14
Soda Kills
Berkeleyside, 9/8/14
Boycotting Halloween
Babycenter, 10/24/13
Getting the Lead Out
Mothering, 9/15/08
Green Tea Pros and Cons
Pregnancy, 1/08
What’s in your water
Bay Area Parent, 5/07
Do Real Feminists Attachment Parent?
Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Health, Summer, 2007
Parenting in the Age of ‘Supernanny’
Znet, 5/14/07
How Democrats can reclaim family values and the White House
Mothers Movement Online, 5/07
ParentBling Magazines
Mothers Movement Online, 12/07
No Soliciting
San Francisco Chronicle Magazine, 4/13/08
All in My Head
San Francisco Chronicle Magazine, 11/4/07
The Molester Who Lives on the Lane, July 2007
Zen and the Art of Chewing Gum
(unpublished) 2006
The Year of Living Fearfully
Hip Mama (Issue #42, 2009)
Little Drummer Boy
(unpublished) 2006
Chills and Fever
(unpublished) 2006
Over Here, Over There
Smith, 8/16/07
The Last Card
Appears in Birth Writes: A Collection of Real Life Birth Stories (Inner Roads 2016)
The Otor Odge
in I Should Have Just Stayed Home, RDR Books (2003)
The Stuff in My Bag
(Finalist in Bellingham Review 2002 creative nonfiction contest)
Operation Infinite Anxiety
ABA Student Lawyer, 5/02
You Live in Yonkers Your Whole Life, You Know
(Honorable Mention in New York Stories 2002 short fiction contest) 2000
The Kind of Girls Who Have Parties
(unpublished) 1998